@(#)SVR4 package howto 28 JUL 1997 Rob Thomas robt@cymru.com How to make a SVR4 package. One of Unix's big drawbacks has been the lack of a cross-Unix package management system. So, out comes the pkg* utilities. These are a SVR4 standard, not just Sun. However, it may be some time before all Unices take up the standard. 1. Copy the distribution files to a safe subdir with the new package name, e.g.: If your stuff lives in /src/ypkg/*, copy it to /src/YOURpkg/YOURpkg/* 2. cd /src/YOURpkg; find . -print | pkgproto > prototype 3. vi prototype and add your pkginfo file pointer: i pkginfo=/src/YOURpkg/YOURpkg/pkginfo 3.5. cd /src/YOURpkg/YOURpkg and vi pkginfo PKG=YOURpkg NAME=Your Package Cool Tool VERSION=200.0 CATEGORY=application ARCH=Solaris for SPARC VENDOR=Me, Myself, and I Inc. BASEDIR=/opt EMAIL=robt@cymru.com 4. cd /src/YOURpkg/YOURpkg and pkgmk -f -bdir, e.g. pkgmk -f ../prototype -b/src/YOURpkg 5. If all goes well, your package has been created and exists in /var/spool/pkg/, e.g. /var/spool/pkg/YOURpkg. You will find the pkginfo file, pkgmap file, and reloc directory under there. 6. Translate your package filesystem into a stream for easy use: pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg /tmp/your.pkg /tmp/your.pkg is now a stream package file. 7. gzip or compress your package file, and send it on it's merry way! 8. To install the package, copy the stream file to /tmp and go! cp your.pkg /tmp/your.pkg cd /tmp pkgadd -d your.pkg All of the packages in /tmp/will show up. Select the correct one, and install! If you find any bugs/errors, let me know! robt@cymru.com Famous Unix quotes: "Shut her down, Scotty, she's sucking mud!" -- From panic error message in the first BSD 2.9 kernel. Rob Thomas, robt@cymru.com http://www.enteract.com/~robt