@(#)jaz and solaris howto 04 AUG 1997 Rob Thomas robt@cymru.com How to add an Iomega 1GB SCSI Jaz drive to a Sparc workstation This works on a Sun Sparc Ultra 1 running Solaris 2.5.1. Your mileage may vary. 1. Shut down the workstation. 2. Connect the Jaz drive to the SCSI port. The cable that comes with the Jaz drive works nicely. Select a SCSI address. I chose four, based on the output of dmesg(1M), as an unused SCSI address. Insert a blank Jaz cartridge in the drive. NOTE NOTE NOTE!!!! You can NOT use the Tools Cartridge that comes with the drive. This is because Jaz uses software write-protection, and the Tools Cartridge is write-protected to the nth degree. So, run out and buy yourself a blank cartridge or two. I bought ONE today at CDW for $135.00 with tax. Ugh. 3. Boot the workstation and rebuild the devices (boot -r). 4. Check for the presence of the Jaz drive: # dmesg | grep -i jaz You should see the Jaz drive. Also, be sure your other SCSI devices are all properly functional. Bad Things[tm] will happen if you have a duplicate SCSI address on the chain (e.g. the CDROM drive and the Jaz drive have the same SCSI ID). 5. Edit /etc/format.dat and enter the following info for a Jaz drive. This info is used by format(1M). disk_type="Jaz 1GB"\ :ctlr=SCSI\ :ncyl=1018:acyl=2:pcyl=1020:nhead=64\ :nsect=32:rpm=3600:bpt=16384 partition="Jaz 1GB"\ :disk="Jaz 1GB":ctlr=SCSI\ :2=0,2084864 6. Format your Jaz cartridge via format(1M). Be sure to select the right drive! Don't want to smoke your good drives, right? I put the entire filesystem on slice 2. 7. Create a filesystem on your newly formatted Jaz cartridge. Use: # newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0td0s2. 8. Mount your new Jaz cartridge on a mount point of your choice. I used /jaz. REMEMBER: Create the mountpoint via mkdir(1) BEFORE you attempt to mount the new Jaz filesystem. # mount /dev/dsk/c0td0s2 /jaz Enjoy! Bugs/comments to: robt@cymru.com Famous Unix quotes: "You can tune a filesystem, but you can't tuna fish." -- From the old man page for tunefs(1M) Rob Thomas, robt@cymru.com http://www.enteract.com/~robt