DNS Root Name Server Query Reponse - Text

Rob Thomas, robt@cymru.com

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These statistics are updated hourly. If you prefer graphs, you can view the data graphed here. Not all of the links used for the measurement are of equal size. The links in AS 6079 and AS 3789/11466 are the same; the link in AS 7018 is quite a bit larger. Please keep this in mind while viewing the statistics.

For a view of the traffic to the root name servers, as well as the AS 112 project, take a look here. Thanks to Roy Arends and Ian Finlay for the tip. :)

DNS root name server query response time as of Thu Aug 14 23:28:00 CDT 2003
All times in milliseconds.

root	Origin AS of query response measurement
server	AS 6079		AS 3789		AS 7018

a	105		98		39
b	159		138		63
c	168		155		95
d	114		101		67
e	188		NORESP		108
f	154		135		61
g	177		120		42
h	109		121		40
i	206		184		134
j	113		91		61
k	185		163		127
l	145		130		63
m	238		257		205

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